First Came the Plan

Hamori family in Mexico
Moving to France

“I’m a big believer in to-do-lists. I think of five things in the shower. I set goals and I get my work done, but I have to plan for fun things too. I’m always thinking about what will make my family happier. So I set playdates and trips.” Heidi Klum

At the beginning of 2011 Alfonz and decided the best way from A-B, “A” being South Surrey British Columbia and “B” being some destination in France would be by making a simple list.

Are you a list person too? Sometimes I add something to my list that I had already completed that day but didn’t plan just to see the line through it or the tick√ beside it. I get a huge amount of satisfaction from getting everything I set out to do, done!

Sell the House
Sell the Furniture
Find Short Term Accommodations close to the kid’s school
Set the kids up with Homeschooling come June
Pick landing destination
Pick a region in France
Pick a Business in France
Start telling our friends and family √√

Down size to 2 suit cases each
Sell Business in Surrey √
Departure (approximate date) August √

We left August 2 2011! 

Us before France
Us in Mexico just before leaving for France!

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