Saturday, July 27, 2024
How do you take an eleven year old blog, equalling 1000 posts, around 1,400,000 words and turn it into a 150 page book someone would like to read? Well that is the question I have been contemplating...
New country, new house, new job, new life. Bringing in the new year was bittersweet. We were tired from the house set-up and really did need the rest over Christmas and New Year's....
Another showing, another bid and another rejection. This was how October 19 week started for the Hamori family. House Hunting in Nanaimo is not for the faint of heart, but neither was Budapest or Capestang to be...
When people think of rainforests, they often think of the tropical variety with pygmy monkeys, big leafy green trees, muggy heat, colourful and poisonous frogs, high pitched birds calling from the cathedral 75 metre canopy ceiling above...
Dear Universe, all powers at play, and all residents thinking about selling their homes in Nanaimo, Please send us a home to buy! The house in the above image is going...
These are the ramblings of me trying to figure it all out. It has been a long while since I posted; been taking time getting my head around things. When I close my eyes and imagine the...
What is a community? According to Google, a community is a social unit with similarities such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identity. Communities may share a sense of place being in a given geographical area (e.g. a country, village,...
Saturday first thing in the morning, the instant we got Angelina's negative PCR test results, we were already packed and ready to go to Victoria for the day! We drove the 1h23 minutes south towards the province's...
These last two weeks went by so fast. With Angelina in quarantine, we really did not want to go to the lakes, swim in the ocean or anything really fun until she got out. Like a prison...
Food. How we taste and smell things can transport us back in time, making us feel old memories. We are so connected to what we eat on so many different levels, it is hard to sort out...
"Altruism is the principle and moral practice of concern for happiness of other human beings or other animals, resulting in a quality of life both material and spiritual. In the last 48 hour I...

First day, new home

I guess it is time to change the blog's name from "My Expat Life" to "My New Island Life" because I am officially not an expat anymore! It is funny, some actually believed I should change the...
Yesterday I folded up all my clothes and neatly placed my worldly belongings into two very large suitcases, one carry on bag and a large purse. When I look at it I find it strange how small...
The story of Elvis has been going on a while now. A little kitten saved from certain death, rescued by a six-year-old girl on the other side of a fence. Angelina and Elvis could be a children's...
I sometimes wonder if I am absolutely nuts, I mean what kind of person sells everything to go on a gap year with little kids and simply doesn't come back for ten years and thinks, 'Everything will...
Seperating from our family pet is probably the hardest thing that we will have to do moving home to Canada. At first we found Elvis a new home with a lovely family with...
The picture of me that I posted with this blog post, is of our weekly walk around Margaret Island. During quarantine it is one of the only places left that we can find some solace. It is...
Hello! I am a teacher. Over the course of 10 years I have been teaching kids to save our planet or at least squeezing it into every element of English class that I can!
It is time! I am turning the blog, and all ten years of journally, into a book! I promise to share the good, the bad and the ugly! Even the silly and stupid things, like the time...
Ok so we put our house on the market. Now what? I know it seems strange because according to our Hungarian life and Hungarian standards we are doing well. But what is lacking is...
Now that we are selling our home here in Solymar I am reminded of all the reasons why we bought it in the first place. I have serious home love! I...
It is time to tell our New Year's resolution. We have put our house in Solymar Hungary, just outside the capital city of Budapest, on the market! Hopefully, this will be our last international move! We are...
There comes a time in every expat's life when you feel the need to go back home to the comforts of what you grew up with, whatever that means, wherever that is or feels like to you....
Funny thing happened. It's my birthday today, and my husband and daughter decided to take me out for Christmas shopping Sunday on Vaci Street in downtown Budapest on the walking strip next to the Danube River. We...
What is a quest? 'A long or arduous search for something.' It happens to be the most prominent theme of the book The Hobbit written by J.R.R. Tolkien; the transformation of...
In my father’s time of dying, I learned so very much, not only about him, his faith, and on how to die with dignity and grace, but also about myself. How to handle stress
Are you thinking about taking a gap year? Why not follow the Hamori family back to Canada and stay in the beautiful region of British Columbia on Vancouver Island. Vancouver Island exposes you...