Dear Friends and Family- 1 day until departure

Eva Hamori ESl teacher Budapest
Eva Hamori Canadian expat living in Hungary giving skype lessons and immersion homestay programs

Dear friends and family,

As I wait for the rest of my family to wake, I sit in front of my MAC typing my last entry in Canada before we embark on our life-changing journey.

Truth? I feel exhausted. My back is throbbing from my last day of work, I pulled my shoulder while packing up Daniel and Angelina’s’ rooms, and my stomach is queasy from starting my day with a shot of rum my Godmother gave me at the picnic party they threw for us yesterday. Nonetheless, I smile and think it is worth it! The pain, the stress, the mess, the sad goodbyes, all worth the life we dreamed up and are making a reality.

Looking back over the last 8 months since we decided to try this dream, I am astonished at how perfectly everything lined up to make this happen. It seems the elements cleared a path through the chaos to show us the quickest way to our dream life. Was the path always there? From the first to the last tick off our list did not seem like an uphill journey, just the way it is written.

To all the people that believed in our vision, helping in our decision, our journey thus far feels like fate. Our future may not be clear, but the dream is alive and we are pursuing happiness.

If we did not meet the families from Scotland, Japan, Australia or France would our decision have been so easy? Those families that made their dream voyage to come to Canada, fulfilling their own ambitions, who gave us the courage to try to find our own path. We hope to be an inspiration as well.

Alternatively, if the losses in my family were not as saturated to a short period, would our lives have carried on. No one really know the answer to what if questions, I just know that something has changed in me, and I can not go back to who I was before.

Some say God only gives what you can handle. I must be able to handle a great deal then. This worn path made by people searching for more meaning in their own lives head towards their own happiness, towards the lives we were meant to live.

If something happens and we never get to our destination, heaven forbid, I am already the happiest person I know. No matter where we end up, this feeling of contentment, gratefulness, being-loved follows me. I have the best life I could have conjured up with the help of a magic potion, and the rest is just logistics.

Everything seems to have happened after I found this feeling of contentment from within. Thinking we deserve any life we can imagine. So why not imagine the best life you can possibly dream of?

Alfonz and I met a man in Future Shop, while he sold us our iPad. He was originally from Bulgaria, and married a Chinese lady but lived in Japan for the last 10 years, and they decided to come here and try another new life. Then, he left his high paying position to work an entry-level position as a salesman at Future Shop to help start again with their four kids, two-eighteen. I asked him, ‘What do you take on such an adventure?’ He said, “Everything you could possible need is above your shoulders.”

You never know where you find the words of encouragement when you need them the most. These profound words came from a wise man and not in church, the synagogue, or the kingdom hall, but a store. You never know who is in front of you until you open up to hear what they are saying.

I hope to see things so clearly.

Everyone has a valuable story, a journey, and a contribution to life. If you are open to it, your life will be rich with the colorful tapestry of those around you.

I feel as though I am taking my loved ones, friends and family along with me on our family adventure. I do not feel like I am leaving people behind but bringing them with me.

I have learned so much from you.

Love you,


PS Isn’t time to start your own dream life?

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  1. Thanks California! It was nice to see everyone yesterday on our final leg of prep! It is amazing every single thing made its way out of the garage! We packed mom’s car full with linens, pots, air conditioner, and the last bits of things. It will be a heavy load up to 100 mile for her. I will be able to sleep on the plane, without a doubt. I could sleep now and wake up in London. Exhausted!! I still have to clean the fridge. Off I go! Miss you already!!
    eva xo

  2. Great entry Eva!!! You have grown so much in the last 8 months as you prepared for this day!! We are all travelling with you. Keep up the posts and we’ll be following along 🙂


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