How To Make French Style Mussels

Steamed Muscle With Herbs and Cream
Steamed Muscle With Herbs and Cream











HOW TO: Make French Style Mussels


4 Tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 Large Onions, finely chopped

5 Cloves Garlic

2 Lbs Mussels, cleaned

1 cup Dry White Wine

½ Cup Heavy Cream (optional)

4 Tbsp. butter, cut in pieces

1 Tbsp. Dried Parsley or ½ bunch fresh

Salt & Pepper

Fresh Baguette

Method: Heat oil in a large pan with lid; add onions, garlic, and sauté for 5 minutes. Next, add in the rest of your ingredients, and stir. Season generously with salt and a little pepper, and put the lid on. When all the mussels open, they are ready. 7-10 minutes is the approx cook time.

Divide into bowls with the juice and serve with bread.

Eva’s Tip: When you clean muscles, make sure to scrub the beard off, and if some muscles don’t open, don’t eat them. It usually means they were already dead when fished out of the sea.

In Grand Motte, adding cream or Roquefort blue cheese were both options. When cooking, you may add during cook time or after to the tops of the bowls. I prefer to the tops, just for the reason that not everyone may like cream or cheese, and we can accommodate many different taste buds around the table.

Bon Appetite !

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