Daniel Tree Climbing Extraordinaire

Mike climbing the tree

Mike climbing the tree

Melted cheese under a grill, served over boiled potatoes and a variety of traditional meats. We spend our Sunday afternoon sampling the fine wines of the Languedoc. After, our hosts take us for a walk to work off our lunch.

In Beziers, we find a park along the River Orb with giant trees for Daniel to climb. The rest of us chat and walk along as Daniel runs from tree to tree, climbing as he goes.

My child, descendant from a Monkey perhaps, climbs with little fear as my palms sweat profusely as I watch from below. I cannot bare it and my motherly instinct kicks in and the hairs on my back stand straight up.

I remind myself, he is in good hands, as our friend Mike, who runs a tree pruning and gardening company, shows Daniel the ins and outs of climbing a tree with skill and awareness.

You may remember Mike from an older post called Let The Renovations Begin where Mike took away our shed on top of his van.

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