Dill Pumpkin Soup with Cépe Risotto

Pumpkins and wild mushrooms


Pumpkin soup


Pumpkin Soup

Start by cutting and gutting your pumpkin

Save the seeds for later. Put the pieces face down in the oven, at 375-400 with 1 inch of water for one hour in a large baking pan. When you take your pieces out stick, the seeds go in the oven to brown, 10 minutes or more depending on how you like them

Scoop out the cooked pumpkin flesh into a pot,

In  skillet saute 3 cloves garlic and 1-2 onions diced sauteed, salt and pepper. And add to the pot. Add in sour-cream and fresh parsley and mix with a hand blender.

After I did this I found my soup very plain and added a large quantity of dill. Now that’s good! For a soupier version add stock, 3-4 cups.

Eva’s Tip, serve with a few pumpkin seeds on top or even saute mushrooms on top for an added flare.


Wild Mushroom Couscous with roasted chicken

A friend dropped off 1 kilo of Cep mushrooms found on their property high in the mountains.

I took out the once white now yellow underbelly of the tops and wiped the mushrooms of any debris. Then where the mushrooms seemed hard or dried out, I peeled off a layer. Then I cut into bite sized pieces, and are now ready to fry.

In a large skillet with a lid, sauté 1 large onion and 1-2 cloves garlic, parsley, salt and pepper.Then add  in the mushrooms. Once the water evaporated from them, add 2 cups couscous and 4 cups vegetable stock. Let the couscous soak up the liquid, then add in your parmesan cheese. Serve as a side or as a meal, simply delicious.

Eva’s Tip, cut up tomatoes into tiny pieces and add to the couscous before serving.


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