Monday, May 6, 2024


This is where I babble about my silly epiphanies, my random thoughts and my aha moments.

An Ode to Girlfriends – What Men Can’t Do

the importance of good friends
Men are good at many things. Changing light bulbs, opening pickle jars and wine bottles, killing insects, filling the gas tank, washing the car, playing the tough parent role, buying and lifting the heavy items at the grocery store, unloading the car, grilling on the BBQ, fixing the engine and a clogged toilet and running out for the items...

Love, Destiny and Our Romance

  Today June 7th, 2012 is our 9th wedding anniversary, although we have been together since Easter 2002. How amazing that we ended up together. I think destiny played a part in our happy ending. Alfonz was born and raised in Hungary and lived there until he was 17. He came with his family to Canada in a time during communism when it...

Where’s My Happy Ever After?

Where is my, and they live happily ever after? Do we expect our lives to turn out like a Disney movie? Think about it. We watch these very entertaining stories, set to energetic musical scores with women with the sweetest voices belting out inspirations messages. In these stories good always prevails over evil, and the main characters pull themselves out of a life less desired to find true...

Who are you?

bloggers are losers
I want to know who our readers are. Of course I see the stats and have a rough idea where you live, how long you visit us for and even know the most frequent visitors personally. But I want to know, who you really are. Have you taken action in your own life towards fulfilment and happiness? Are you living the best...

A Promising Spark – Perhaps There is Light

picture perfect La Fount Del Bosc
  Promising Starts After crying the blues about the system, when I was nearing the end of my rope, that’s when it all falls into place. I managed to accomplish something today that made me very proud of myself. I went alone to the doctors. Over the past two years; Alfonz, Mallory or Anne would tag along to talk for me. I used...

The Reconstruction of Eva – The Power of Self Analysis

Lamborghini, find yourself
Just a note to our readers... this is not the usual post about travelling or moving to a foreign country, but a very personal account what travelling throughout Europe and moving allowed me to accomplish on a personal level.  I believe we all have the ability to determine our futures through the power of thought, the law of attraction...

New Year’s Resolutions 2013

Like this photo, when you visualize the course of your immediate future, what do you see on the horizon? New Year’s Resolutions 2013 It is the season for vowing to stop smoking, lose ten pounds and stop yelling at your kids. Do resolutions work for you? Here is my list... Finish My Book  I had a hard time finding the ending to our book...

Restless Renovation Progression Persists

  Pool The guys used a bobcat to take out the big trees from the front yard to make way of our pool and leveled the majority of the grounds. They dug the whole deep enough for a 20 cm concrete slab 6X4.5 metres wide that our 5X3.5 metre pool would sit on. Then went in the rebar and posts. Adrian designed...

Travel Sacrifices -What Could You Live Without?

After reading dozens of other family's stories living with less on the road, I thought about what we were living without and how our family was coping and feeling about it. After 5 months travelling throughout Europe, and living out of 2 suitcases, we learn to live without many creature comforts; high priced books, lattes, dry cleaning and dryers...

Bohemian Rhapsody @ Year End Concert   Who doesn't love Freddie Mercury  and the uber famous song Bohemian Rhapsody. It reminds me when I first saw Wayne's World when Mike Meyers and Dana Carvey head bashed to the tune, typical 80's style, as they drove along in their beater car. So when Sally, our choir director, asked me to sing a solo part during our choir performance,...