That’s Hamori Changed Their Look!

Eva Hamori portrait by Husband

I spend a lot of time on my website. Like most bloggers, I love it!

Anywhere from 2-8 hours depending on what I am writing, posting, Tweeting or Face booking about. My time on and off thatshamori dot com really depends on the schedule I create for myself.

Off line I spend hours going through photos to edit for the site, something I love to do it, as well as writing chapters for the future book of this exact blog on how we decided to start pursuing happiness and moved to France.

I have spent so much time writing over the past few years, that today when I looked at my site, I could not stand it for another minute. The clutter, the colours, all of it had to go! It was time for an overhaul.

I searched through new templates on Word Press and stumbled across this one. During the formation stage of ‘That’s Hamori’, nearly 2 years ago now, I wanted the website to look clean and organized. With that in mind, we went with the magazine layout.

Word Press has built in SEO and widgets that are already set up on the template, making it easy to navigate through from a bloggers stand point. You can add different features, maps, photo galleries, and even set up newsletters and forums.

This one however, also has easy to add social media links in a tidy header under the banner. With a splash of colourful, eye-catching background, it shows the reader exactly what genre we write in.

We have a new look!

When I get bored of this one, or they come up with more additions to their templates on Word Press, I will change it up again!

What do you think?

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