Premiere roadmap of my massive 50 before 50 list


I turned 47 this year and the last four years since moving to Hungary have gone by so fast, so I decided this morning when I woke up to start a 50 before 50 list.

I plan to visit the places I have always dreamed of going. And now that I am older, let’s hope money will not be as much of a problem is decades past! Guess it is one thing that the wrinkles and the sagging parts have earned, the security of the next phase being more comfortable.

I hope to inspire others to tag along for the ride. We have time, and I hope the things are going to be more profound but just as important as my 40 before 40 list.

We are all students in this adventure. So much to experience and learn. I can only hope to become wise as I age, I hope to have a few more epiphanies before I die, and not just about hair colour and what style looks best on my body.

I can dream that I will be better in my fifties, sharper, and more clear, but already I find my mind slipping, sometimes forgetting the words to a song in midstream, where before I would never falter under stress.

I hope not for perfection but acceptance of myself. Age has a funny way of making things simpler.

If my thirties brought me family, then my fifties will be about setting the babes free. I am already bracing for the impact. 

For now I am starting to make the list, adding and subtracting the things I would like to do over the next 3 years. I have already started to tick them off as I get them done!

  1. Learn a cool, nowadays dance
  2. Flashmob as a goodbye to my students
  3. Stand up to my bully
  4. Tell them how it is, show bravery in the face of inequality
  5. Put house on market
  6. Sell off stuff
  7. Get down to two suitcases each hopefully for the last time
  8. MOVE!
  9. Buy our forever home
  10. Decorate our forever home, and not all in IKEA 😉
  11. Finish my BAC of Education and/or switch to psychology 
  12. Start a job I really truly love
  13. Join a ‘green’ cause in our new city
  14. Write a song
  15. Create a new recipe √ Broccoli chicken and cheddar cheese, made from paprika’s base! It was to die for, recipe to follow
  16. Enter a contest
  17. Visit Alaska 
  18. Visit the big island of Hawaii
  19. Visit Maui
  20. Visit the Caribbean, Dominican Republic
  21. Visit Cuba
  22. Visit Yucatan with the kids
  23. Paint a painting from start to finish
  24. Create a garden wall
  25. Adopt a dog
  26. Buy a motorhome
  27. Take the kids down the coast from Vancouver – Tijuana and back
  28. Visit Seattle
  29. Visit Vegas
  30. Visit San Francisco
  31. Visit San Diego
  32. Visit LA
  33. Visit New York
  34. Volunteer at an old age home
  35. Sponsor a family at Christmas
  36. Volunteer at Children’s Hospital 
  37. Take mom on a cruise
  38. Learn to ride a motorbike or large scouter 
  39. Write a book on the benefits of a GAP decade
  40. Find a publisher
  41. Book tour across Canada <3
  42. Visit the Maritime provinces
  43. Visit Rome
  44. Create a TED Talk
  45. Make a new friend
  46. Embrace family in all its diversity
  47. reconnect with old friends
  48. Establish new workout routine
  49. Join a choir
  50. Learn to love myself unconditionally

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