Linguistic Homestay in the South of France

Capestang's linguistic sejour
learn English in Capestang
Parisians learn English in english homes in the south of france
learning English in france

Here we go again. it is the beginning of another summer in south of France, running our Gite and B&B as a linguistic homestay program.

I have two 15 year old girls from the North, who started their summer vacations earlier than the children in the south. They will enjoy empty parking lots, and beaches during their stay.

EFS activities for our students
EFS activities for our students

It is a good thing we only have two, because during April/May for the four weeks of students over Spring break, we had one child decide to hang off the rainforest shower head in the bathroom and they snapped the water supply, but forgot to tell us. So, when the next guests arrived the water, over the course of the month, slowly seeped behind the shower, under the plastic insert and lifted all the tiles. Pop, pop, pop, one by one they lifted and the grout broke free. It started with one and now with the shower out, we nearly need to replace all the tiles under the shower, but the worst and most expensive fix, is the new shower insert. They are not made for assembly and reassembly. Darn Chinese crap!

So needless to say, our profits for the next week are going directly back into our business in the form of a new shower. Next week my mother’s cousins are coming to visit with their grandson from the US. Our aim is to have the shower completed midweek, in time to have them in there.

My favourite part of having students is watching the progression with the language. Today both girls levels are fairly low. I predict a huge improvement by week’s end. One good thing about having only two kids, is that I can custom the curriculum to their individual needs. I have a feeling these girls will be buddies by the end.

I haven’t much individual goals over the summer, it is just too busy. But I do want to eat more salad, and get in the pool at least once a day. I feel that being tired is just not an excuse anymore. I need to power through the next 12 weeks, the perfect amount of time to transform my body into a well tuned machine! I couldn’t write that without laughing either.

Daniel had 7 days left of school, and Angelina has 10. Both are doing fabulous in the academic school system. Outside of school we balance their activities as best we can to curb the pressure of test after test. Summer is full of fun in our house, and both kids get really good at horseback riding, kayaking, swimming, cycling, rafting, acrobranching… And they help the kids with their homework which in turn keeps up their English levels.

Alfonz will be very busy this summer with his wine tours, so this year I will have the students, and my kids alone more and more. If it doesn’t kill you, it truly makes you stronger.

Here’s to another great summer doing our linguist sejour in the south of France.

Accrobranche Beziers
Accrobranche Beziers
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I am Canadian! 

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