Friday, May 3, 2024


This is where I babble about my silly epiphanies, my random thoughts and my aha moments.

A Promising Spark – Perhaps There is Light

picture perfect La Fount Del Bosc
  Promising Starts After crying the blues about the system, when I was nearing the end of my rope, that’s when it all falls into place. I managed to accomplish something today that made me very proud of myself. I went alone to the doctors. Over the past two years; Alfonz, Mallory or Anne would tag along to talk for me. I used...

French New Years Resolutions

Live your Life's Dream! Do what you have always wanted to do and everything falls into place. Pursuing your own happiness, accomplishing the things that actually make you happy and not what you think should make you happy, could be the answer. Instead of making the same resolutions as New Years past, to lose 10 pounds, drink less, and stop yelling...

Secrets of how change junkies struggle with boredom, thrive in chaos

change junkie
What the heck is a change junkie? When the term 'change junkie' applies to me, I would say I am a person who is always looking for new information, a person who is never content with what is going on around but instead searches for the next project. I get a wee rush not knowing what is around the next corner, and I thrive under...

Where’s My Happy Ever After?

Where is my, and they live happily ever after? Do we expect our lives to turn out like a Disney movie? Think about it. We watch these very entertaining stories, set to energetic musical scores with women with the sweetest voices belting out inspirations messages. In these stories good always prevails over evil, and the main characters pull themselves out of a life less desired to find true...

It is A Wrap! Winter 2014 Update

Accrobranche Beziers
    What a year this has been! It was about finding a good income, establishing ourselves in our community and giving back.  When we moved here we had no idea what we were going to do... 2014, after searching, we finally found English for Success, our new business venture. Alfonz and I both have our TESOL accreditation and are happily teaching English as a...

Top 5 Things Learned While Travelling

The Hamori family sold off their life in White Rock, Canada, down sized to 2 suitcases each and flew across the Ocean to Budapest, Hungary. From there they bought a Mercedes Viano Camper Van with a pop top sleeper, and planned to travel around Europe looking for a B&B, to start living a life based on Time Currency. A...

My Expat Life Brings Healing Back to My Family

If you wish to travel far, fast and light, take off all your envies, jealousy, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears. Cesare Pavese Take a moment with me and look back on your childhood. What do you see? Are you playing with your favourite toy, swimming in your pool or are you with your family? For me our family vacations define my childhood. My...

Top 13 Inspirational Quotes

My inner mantra of inspirational thoughts keep me on track pursuing happiness.  These are the top quotes that inspire me. #13 If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten - Tony Robbins #12 Go take on the day - Dr. Laura Schlesinger #11 I want you to get excited about your life - Dr. Phil McGraw #10 Success...

Travel Sacrifices -What Could You Live Without?

After reading dozens of other family's stories living with less on the road, I thought about what we were living without and how our family was coping and feeling about it. After 5 months travelling throughout Europe, and living out of 2 suitcases, we learn to live without many creature comforts; high priced books, lattes, dry cleaning and dryers...