Saturday, May 4, 2024


This is where I babble about my silly epiphanies, my random thoughts and my aha moments.

A Shift In How We Think

a new way in the way people think
I wrote about us entering the Age of Aquarius and how it will lead to world peace and our personal happiness, but if you don't believe in reading the stars, astronomy, or that we are all connected; then it is just a whole bunch of hogwash. It wasn't my most popular post, but I really enjoyed writing it, and sometimes, actually most of...

Bellowing Budapest in Winter

Blue Danube River Budapest First of all, Alfonz made this lovely video about our first few days in Budapest Hungary! <3 <3 <3 this talented man! What does Christmas mean to me? Hungarian Christmas for us means celebrating on the 24th, walking through the lit up streets and peeking into the decorated windows the week before and after Christmas buying ourselves the things we don't...

Love, Destiny and Our Romance

  Today June 7th, 2012 is our 9th wedding anniversary, although we have been together since Easter 2002. How amazing that we ended up together. I think destiny played a part in our happy ending. Alfonz was born and raised in Hungary and lived there until he was 17. He came with his family to Canada in a time during communism when it...

Lickin’ New Year’s Resolution 2016

Capestang 14th century village
  Happy New Year! It is that time of year again! RESOLUTION time. I know, for most people they don't work, but for me it keeps me on track. I started writing this post from our home in Budapest, Hungary, having spent the holidays in our Elizabethtown 19th century apartment enjoying the festivities of the Christmas markets and visiting family and...

The more languages you know, the more you are a person

The more languages you know, the more you are a person
❝To have another language is to possess a second soul.❞ ‒Charlemagne Vasali Nagypapa, my grandfather on my mom's side, was a soldier in the Second World War, knighted for bravery, and was a self-taught intellect. His formal education was about grade two, but that didn't stop him from ravenously learning. He taught himself to read, to write, to play musical instruments,...

Child Labour or Just A Lesson In Value

child learns the value of money
Have you seen this kid riding his bike through the neighbourhood? Capestang has a new boy in town, one with a goal and a determination measured to none. Daniel received a second-hand bike from us when we first landed in Capestang. With the fabulous weather ahead, we had a line on good used bikes from the rental company Mellow-Velo, and...

Restless Renovation Progression Persists

  Pool The guys used a bobcat to take out the big trees from the front yard to make way of our pool and leveled the majority of the grounds. They dug the whole deep enough for a 20 cm concrete slab 6X4.5 metres wide that our 5X3.5 metre pool would sit on. Then went in the rebar and posts. Adrian designed...

Laying Low After Loss

First I wanted to apologize for not keeping up with our posts. We are under some stress, more than the usual moving to a new country may produce and as a result we lay low, but we do have some distractions of course. Lets start with... On a happy note: Daniel's delivery service is still up and running. He has 5 clients,...

Goodbye Nagymama

say goodbye
"Earth's crammed with heaven... but only he who sees, takes off his shoes" Elizabeth Barrett Browning Saying goodbye... It is always hard to say goodbye from a distance. These are those moments that being an expat can be brutally hard. The births, the big milestones, the marriages and yes the funerals. I was pleased to have been able to go home to Canada in...

Adults Dealing With Loss

dealing with loss
How do people deal with their emotions when someone close to them is dying? Some of us hide at home, drink too much, over eat, go to therapy, call friends, run away or as many different people there are in the world, are as many different solutions we can come up with when dealing with death and illness. After a...