Exciting Zobori Adventure Park, for families!


Our first year in Hungary, and already we got an invite from the neighbours directly across the street to go away Easter weekend to an adventure park with five families on our street!

How lucky are we?

They had been in their new house for about a year when we moved in six months ago. So I guess you can say we are all newbies on the street.

They introduced us to the other neighbours, not two doors down on our side of the street and opposite them, the last two families, for a total of five families with ten children ranging from 2-15.

We won the neighbourhood lottery here in Solymar! It is funny how things always work out for us on this front. 

The neighbours across from us have been amazing since day one.

Alfonz pals around with Mr.Neighbour and I have got to know their daughter, Miss Neighbour, when she comes over to jump with Daniel and Angelina on the trampoline.

They gave us the best advice when we were building; where to go for the best materials, which artisans to stay away from, who does fast work, which does terrible late work… those kinds of questions only locals would really know the answers to.

He also directed us to a great garage for our cars… and Mrs. Neighbour told us where to buy the best produce, meats and organic eggs in town.

Every bit of advice from them was after their own trials and errors over the last year and a half finishing their own home. Their guidance has been impeccable.

So today when I needed two eggs for breakfast, I just walked across the street knowing if she had them she would lend them. Love our neighbours!  

It is a really great feeling to know we can count on each other. 

Zobori Park for families… just about 2,5 hours away through beautiful countryside and along the Lake Balaton. 

They have a variety of things to do. The weather did not exactly cooperate, but that did not stop us from having a fabulous time! 

When you first arrive it is hard not to notice the stunning views of Kis Balaton, a smaller thermal lake just East of the more famous big brother, Lake Balaton. Kis means small. 

The park is located on the hillside, and the cafe and the owner’s property is perched on top overlooking the courses and their vineyard.

The owner has an incredible story to tell. She started the park after she lost her son to cancer, a brain tumor. It was a very emotional time for their family, yet she talked about how they all bonded together as a family, and became incredible grateful for their lives. She now has six children ranging from over 2-20. When her son became ill, it was his dream to built an adventure park, and after his death her husband and her decided to built it. It was a project stemming from love and loss. Meeting them they have an exuberant amount of love to share. It is as if their sorry came a peace and a way to deal with the saddest thing possible, the loss of a child.   

From there the park has grown and grown. There is a zoo full of smaller animals; lymar, rabbits, kangaroos, alpaca.

Plus rides for the kids like slides, bumper cars, an indoor science area. They have a trampoline area too, that inbetween the kids jumped for hours on! They have a water park for the hot summers and a 3D film centre wich was perfect when it rained in the spring. Last time we went there they just started building their giant roller coaster and a few fully furnished rental houses just outside the property line so people can get a little farther away from the summer tourists. It can be quite a busy place. They also have school classes come to enjoy the park for the day or a few days. My kids enjoyed the acrobranch climbing area the most, with harnesses and ziplines to learn on. 

They also have started making their own wines and a cave to sample them in. Still young, but they will get there I am sure!

We stayed in the giant house and each family rented a room with 4-6 bed in, and we all had our own private bathroom; together yet still separate. The common area was very large with places for us all to sit and hang-out together. 

The facility also has a restaurant area, and we ate lunches together here; a range of spaghetti, hamburgers, hot soups, breaded chicken; simple but good food. After we made sandwiches for dinner, cold meals we brought from home and snacks so when the park shut down we could be together without leaving the grounds. The owners live on site, so if there are any problems they are near. We stayed up late together drinking wine and chatting away. 

Early in the morning the owner, he went to feed the animals and Angelina and I woke up to help out. It was a highlight for us animals lovers. 

We also got the egg hunt ready for the kids in the morning before they woke-up, and they had the time of their life searching the pretty gardens for chocolates. 

Our experience here has always been good and we have gone three times together with the neighbours. This is our 5th year here, and our kids are the oldest among all the kids on the street, so we stay home but they continue to go each year and every year for 2-3 days. As our children grow-up so does the amusement park, steadily getting bigger and bigger. 




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