Nathalie Albaladejo – A Trip Between Eye & Earth

Artiste Nathalie Albaladejo
Artist Nathalie Albaladejo
Artiste Nathalie Albaladejo
Artiste Nathalie Albaladejo, “A Trip Between Eye and Earth

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” Jonathan Swift

Whenever the chance, the French support the arts. My friend Marion and I went to visit her friend Nathalie at her art exhibition in Serignan. I found her method very interesting, and I am always in awe of people with the artistic ability to see things just a little differently than the rest of us.

Her use of colour was subdued, her lines long and jagged. Everything seemed slightly out of focus but the impression it gave me, were of talking trees with a message of remembrance. It moved me. After all, what is the job of the artist if not to move us?

Nathalie Albaladejo displays her “A Trip Between Eye and Earth” in the Vargoz castle of Sérignana until April 16th.

Visually interesting and a meticulous process explained by the painter herself and a documentary video presented on a big white screen using a projector.

The opening was on March 17th and was attended by the mayor, Frederick Lacas, the President of the artists association, Dominique Amiot, director of culture, Jean-François Marty, artist sculptor Lionel Laussedat and many other special and well known guests.

Marie-Hélène Jouët, in charge of culture, hosted the opening of the exhibition of Night Transport. The artist presented her methods, her work, and the current exhibition.

Artiste Nathalie Albaladejo
Artist Nathalie Albaladejo

First the artist took pictures of the landscape from the bus ride through the Paris suburbs. Artist Nathalie saw some poetry in the trees as they passed by; described as altered states by fog, pylons who merge with the sky. I can appreciate the poetry.

From this long photographic journey was born the idea of ​​pressotherapy mediums to make magic of CES compositions shaped reflections, peer overlays effects of plans and transparencies.

Artiste sud de france Nathalie Albaladejo
Artist Nathalie Albaladejo

“Nocturnal Transport” is the result of this research through the use of ink, charcoal, natural pigments on canvas but also supports photo paper, parchment paper, plexiglass, and velvet …

Videos were set to music to give life to the images. The technical video and images are by Marco Gilles, and the music by Claude Simard.

Vargoz castle of Sérignana
Vargoz castle of Sérignana
Vargoz castle of Sérignana gardens, parachute modern art display
parachute, Vargoz castle of Sérignana
Vargoz castle of Sérignana
shadow art, by Eva HAMORI
Vargoz castle of Sérignana
Vargoz castle of Sérignana southern France

Afterwards we enjoyed the permanent display in the gardens of the castle. Modern art, bold structures became the last impression of our day.

Artist Nathalie Albaladejo, sud de france
“A Trip Between Eye and Earth

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